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You've got dozens of IT consultant companies and freelancers. What can they do, what are their specialities ? Discover here what Ulixes Consulting can do for you

Why work with Ulixes Consulting

Why work with Ulixes Consulting and not with another or bigger IT Partner? It comes down to the fact that you prefer to work with someone you agree with and who understands what you want.


Over 20 years of experience in setting up and configuring IT applications

Personal approach

It doesn't have to be too formal. A few healthy agreements. Your project will be personally monitored and executed by Ulixes Consulting.

Big and small

Ulixes consulting has experience in both small and larger projects. Thus, experience in one can also serve for the other

It's all about you

Ulixes consulting is all about you. Your needs and expectations, your project. We make it happen.

It's your budget

We all have plans and ambitions. But we're also bound the reality. Dream big. Start small.

Some project realisations

These are our realisations. Click on the projects to get some of the details on what was asked and how it was solved.

Meyer advocaten


If you want to find new customers as a self-employed person, it is not always enough to go via social media or the traditional media.



An online application that simply allows you to display an invoice un UBL format legibly.



Do you want to set up a quick and easy contest with some friends or co-workers who has the most beautiful, best, fastest....? Via https://vote4fun.eu it's fixed in no time!


I have a question
  • Elegemstraat 186,1700 Dilbeek

  • +32.497.053.199

  • info@ulixes-consulting.be


Articles from Ulixes Consulting and its activities that are important for you


Making a website, easy peasy with all these online magical tools!

Every self-respecting business has to own its own website, because it has to. Today, you don't exist if you are not on the internet. Who will find you? That's why you find online tools everywhere that allow you to set up your website yourself at a hiccup and tap. If it was so easy then, why doesn't everyone have one?.

by Tanguy Lesseliers, Tuesday 3rd January 2023

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